Information about flights from Sydney to Melbourne
For travellers travelling from Sydney to Melbourne , the most efficient way is plane on one of Australia’s airlines , Jetstar, Virgin Australia or Qantas frequently used by locals and visitors, offering inexpensive flights across the distance. With a number of flights per day, and using Bravofly Australia , visitors should have no difficulty finding an airline that suits their needs.
Melbourne , home to over 4 million residents, and ranked fourth most liveable city in Monocle's 2015 Quality of Life Survey rankings was given its name by none other than Queen Victoria, after whom the state of Victoria is proudly named after. Melbourne, proud of it rich history, specifically the discovery of gold which helped to renovate the original town settlement into the cosmopolitan wonder we have today.
A century of prosperity has transformed Melbourne into one of the wealthiest cities in the entire world, allowing the city to boast around its gothic styled cathedrals, imposing civil buildings, modern museums and grand parks. With the most extensive street car network in the world, travelling around Melbourne is a convenience in itself. Melbourne has attractions for kinds of tourists, weather your interest lie in historical areas, cultural sites, social gatherings or architectural phenomena’s, tourists will have their hand full visiting the colossal wonders Melbourne offers, from the outstanding 360 views on top of the Eureka Tower to the famous Boxes of Brighton beach. Tourists are encouraged to enjoy all the wonders this famous city has to offer with the vintage smell of roasted Melbourne coffee beans high on the air.
Touching the mighty Pacific Ocean, spoilt with year round sunshine and having well over 100 beaches, is Sydney . Sydney has quickly established itself as one of the most multi-cultural cities in the world, with over 250 different languages spoken and more than one third of its residential population of 4.84 million speaking a language other than English.
The first thing that comes to mind when thinking of Sydney is definitely the famous Sydney Opera House , since it’s opening on October 20th, 1973 it has attracted interest far and near, in no small part due to its modern and expressionist Architecture. Even though ticket prices vary depending on the show viewing there are frequent backstage tours which allow you to view this historical and monumental building up close.
Another highly sought after attraction is the Sydney tower . This colossal wonder is an iconic viewing platform where you can fully enjoy the beautiful city of Sydney and fortunately tickets will only set you back a few Australian Dollars. For the more adventurous located at Milsons point is the ever popular and family friendly Luna Amusement Park.